These links will display some major interface features and example photo manipulations created with Image Tools.
In addition to the features shown
the Menu Bar includes:
New Window,
Duplicate Window,
Open Image,
Open Log,
Save As,
Printer Setup,
Close Window,
Annotate, Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste.
All of the settings in the
Filter Panel
plus Refresh, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom To, Flip, Mirror,
Rotate, Flicker.
Tool Bar, Image Window, Status Bar, Coordinates,
Filter Panel
Header, Preferences, Color Table, Color Settings,
(intensity, contrast, saturation), Sharpen Settings.
First, Back, Forward, Last, Last Viewed.
The Filter Panel check boxes toggle filters with their current settings (if any). Checked filters are applied to each image loaded with the File → Open Image menu item, the Go menu items, or the browser buttons in the tool bar until they are turned off.
All of these can also be toggled in the View menu hierarchy, but the Filter Panel provides a much more convenient interactive way to turn them on and off. The Filter Panel and View menu items communicate so that turning a filter on or off in one turns it on or off in the other.
The Internal Colors filter toggles between the image's own color table and the one in effect selected by the Options → Color Table widget.
This is the original "True Color" (24-bit) satellite photo of an area in Missouri.
By applying the Emboss Edges tool, the man-made structures pop out. This tool is implemented in Image Tools as a convolution filter.
This is the result of what might be thought of as a "tree finder" tool. A special 8-bit color table is applied to replace the shades of grey. Darker shades go from black to dark green to light green, then lighter shades go from dark orange to lighter orange to white. Since the darkest features happen to be trees and bushes, they are green and the rest are shades of orange. The gravel is the lightest so it falls in the white range. Notice that even the individual trees and bushes along the driveway and in the yard are green.
This replaces the shades of grey with a table of 16 different colors. This way the hundreds of different grey level pixels get "clipped" into 16 levels, each replaced by a color. Then the result is overplotted by a thin black line between the colors (by the Outline Edges tool). In effect this automatically turns the photo into a map where the different colors correspond to different types of vegetation. Theoretically one could roughly calculate areas of land use by summing the pixels of different colors, e.g., the greens and blues to measure the amount of woods.
Many of these image processing tools are implemented as convolution filters and alpha blending routines written by Design MatriX
To get help designing and implementing your IDL applications call Design Matrix at (310) 455 3107 or Joint projects with other IDL consultants and developers are welcome.